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Find all the economic and financial information on our Orishas Direct application to download on Play StoreThe International Finance Corporation (SFI) and the Africa Local Currency Bond Fund (ALCB Fund) announced an investment in a dedicated gender bond issued by Ecobank Côte d'Ivoire.
L'obligation de 10 milliards de francs CFA (16 millions de dollars) d' Ecobank constitue la première du genre dans l' Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine (UEMOA) et The the second of its type to be issued in Africa, after that of NMB Bank, supported by IFC. It aims to increase financing for small and medium-sized businesses owned by women. It will make it possible to grant nearly 1,200 loans to SMEs, thus helping to bridge the significant credit gap between men and women in the region.
The SFI and the ALCB Fund jointly invested 4.9 billion CFA francs (7.8 million dollars), with the SFI providing a credit guarantee of 1.25 billion CFA francs (2 million dollars). Gender bonds are gaining ground as an alternative financing mechanism for women entrepreneurs. This issue follows that of the NMB Bank in Tanzania, which is also supported by the IFC. According to the African Development Bank (AfDB), women-owned businesses in Africa face a financing gap estimated at $42 billion.
A en croire le directeur exécutif régional d' Ecobank pour la région de l' UEMOA, “au-delà of individual success, the financing of a woman entrepreneur has a multiplier effect: it supports entire families, strengthens communities, and promotes inclusive development. When we focus on women, we are investing in a future where prosperity is shared, and where the ripple effects of economic empowerment extend well beyond a single business
.”Il faut noter que IFC's investment is part of its Banking on Women program. This program, which has invested more than 10 milliards de dollars dans 83 pays , is helping to catalyze financial services for women and women's SMEs in emerging markets around the world
.About the ALCB Fund
The ALCB Fund works with African issuers, investors and intermediaries to bring new bond transactions to the market, aiming at deepening local capital market ecosystems. It is a pan-African investor in local currency corporate bonds
.About IFC
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is the leading development institution focused on the private sector in emerging countries. It operates in over a hundred countries, devoting its capital, skills and influence to creating markets and opportunities in developing countries.
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