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Currency: The euro, bitcoin and yuan, threats to the dollar

Categories: Index/Markets

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Despite the threat of the Chinese yuan, the euro, and recently, bitcoin, the greenback remains the world's reference currency. According to columnist Marc Touati, president of ACDEFI, the trend is not likely to change anytime soon.

When competing, never dethroned, the reign of the dollar should continue, at least for a while. Since the 1970s, the greenback has always risen from the ashes and leaves no chance for its so-called potential competitors.
The only potential competitor of the greenback, according to Marc Touati, is the yuan. But the Chinese are not yet ready, both economically and financially. They have no interest in it at the moment, because a yuan too expensive could break their growth like the yen overvalued for Japan twenty-five years ago. In addition, with $3.17 trillion in foreign exchange reserves and US Treasuries in overcrowded quantities, too sharp a decline in the dollar would be a disaster for the valuation of Chinese assets denominated in dollars.
" No one today has an interest in the end of the central role but also the stabilizing role of the dollar within the SMI. Because when this happens, the planet will experience a much more serious and lasting crisis than those we experienced in 2008-2009 and 2020," concludes Marc Touati.

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