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Cooperation: Tunisia, 1st African investor in France in 2020

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Exchanges between Tunisia and France are going well. In 2020, Tunisia emerged as the 1st African investor in France .*

Michel Bauza, North Africa Director of Business France recalled that Tunisia is the leading African investor in France. He did not fail to emphasize the existence of an exceptional entrepreneurial partnership between the two countries, based on cross-investments in Europe and North Africa and the establishment of companies (nearly 1,400 companies with French participation in Tunisia), the rise in skills and value.

It was during a webinar on April 20, 2021 on the theme: "Doing business with France: The keys to success". On the occasion, the opportunities and tools adapted to the crisis situation were highlighted, in order to consolidate the economic partnerships between Tunisia and France.

An initiative of the Tunisian-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CTFCI) and the Business France Office of the French Embassy in Tunisia.

The existence of instruments for entrepreneurs, of a support mechanism and of a vision for emerging from the crisis are levers for strengthening entrepreneurial dynamics, including economies, which are facing the effects of a health crisis without previous, sorely need.

Thus, the seminar made it possible to present the tools and instruments of the recovery plan, intended to maintain business flows and develop new opportunities between Tunisian and French companies.

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