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Financial results: The value of SAPH CI shares rose by 5.86%

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Since the beginning of 2022, the African Rubber Plantation Society's share has grown by 5.86%. This level of evolution can be explained by the stagnation of rubber prices, due to low demand and strong production.

SAPH CI posted good financial results at the end of March 2022, according to data used by ECOFIN. However, the share value of this company, the largest natural rubber producer in West Africa, had reached a record increase of 271.07% by the end of 2021. Admittedly, there are still seven months left to make an annual assessment of the progress of the SAPH CI share on the stock exchange, but the price of this share, at the end of May, allows us to make certain observations.

In the first quarter of 2022, this company, which exploits hectares of rubber plantations in Côte d'Ivoire, posted a net profit of 3.7 billion FCFA (6.5 million dollars), up 143%. Its turnover increased by 18% to 50 billion FCFA, and its ordinary activities grew by 143% at the end of March 2022. At the end of the 2021 annual financial year, SAPH CI achieved a net profit of 21.1 billion FCFA, an increase of 152.4% compared to the 8.4 billion FCFA achieved at the end of 2020.

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