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Oragroup: an agreement finalized by the grantors and Vista Bank to take control of the pan-African banking group

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Like Coris Bank, according to the information, the sale of the holding is confirmed and allows the banking group to put an end to a long period of suspense and allows Simon Tiemtoré to implement his strategy of Bâ Shoot a pan-African group.

Oragroup is one of the largest private banking groups founded in 1985 under the original name Financial Bank. It is present in 12 countries in West and Central Africa, such as Niger, Senegal, Chad, Togo, Guinea, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire and Gabon.

Lilium Capital, the holding company that controls Vista Bank, had paid a total of 60 million euros for the sale of the French giant's 51% stake in the Bank's capital for the commerce, industry and agriculture in Burkina Faso (Biciab; 4.2 billion CFA francs, equivalent to 6.2 million euros, in profits in 2018) and 55% of the capital of Bicigui (VistaGUI), in Guinea. Thus, in the coming days, the transaction must be finalized between the parties, reinforces Vista Bank's regional expansion strategy of founding a pan-African banking group.

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