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Fight against money laundering: administrative sanctions now applicable to EPNFDs

Categories: Economy/Forex

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Lutte contre le blanchiment des capitaux: les sanctions administratives désormais applicables aux EPNFD

As part of the fight against money laundering, administrative sanctions will be applied to designated non-financial companies and professions (EPNFD) in addition to criminal sanctions.

The members of the Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs (CAEF) of the National Assembly met on Friday, January 6, 2023. During their meeting, they unanimously adopted the bill ratifying Ordinance No. 227-237 of 30 March 2022 on the regime of administrative sanctions applicable to money laundering, terrorist financing and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Indeed, administrative sanctions consist of reprimand, warning, withdrawal of a license or professional card, a financial penalty whose maximum amount is 50 million FCFA, a temporary ban on exercising an activity or exercising executive responsibilities within a legal person engaged in this activity for a hard time& acute; not exceeding 5 years. According to Adama Coulibaly, the Minister of Economy and Finance, the adoption of this text will allow Côte d'Ivoire, which has a high international economic and financial profile, to demonstrate that it is not totally subject to money laundering issues.

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