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Working session between CNLCEI and APLC: towards reactivating the implementation of RINAC

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Des experts the National Commission against Corruption and Illicit Enrichment (CNLCEI) and their Congolese counterparts from the Agency for the Prevention and Combating of corruption (APLC) held a working session on Thursday, May 18, in Kinshasa. This session is aimed at reactivating a seven-year-old project; that of the effective establishment of the Network of National Anti-Corruption Institutions of Central Africa (RINAC


The Network of National Anti-Corruption Institutions of Central Africa (RINAC) was supposed to be an effective tool for fighting corruption in Central Africa. Indeed, according to Thierry Mbulamoko, APLC Coordinator, the main purpose of the meeting with the Gabonese CNLCEI experts was to “officially” receive documents relating to the establishment of Rinac from them, in order to “examine them and make improvements”. According to Jean le chef de la délégation gabonaise, Fustin Ndomba, “everything must be done to quickly fill this void in the subregion in order to give the Economic and Monetary Community a chance. of Central Africa (Cemac) to strengthen the fight against corruption”

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