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Central Office for Combating Illicit Enrichment: Mali shaken by a large-scale corruption scandal

Categories: Compliance

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A report was delivered on November 30 to the transition president, Assimi Gota. The report indicates that investigations carried out by the Central Office for Combating Illicit Enrichment (OCLEI) have uncovered a widespread system of corruption, involving senior officials, elected officials and businessmen


Different socio-professional groups made up of members of successive governments, elected officials, general and financial officials, justice, the army, foreign affairs and public institutions are continued by OCLEI. More than 23 billion CFA francs would be the amount embezzled. Those involved are accused of embezzlement of public funds, active and passive corruption, money laundering, and influence peddling. Malians are thus outraged by the extent of corruption, which affects all sectors of society

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