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Police operations against money laundering: 10,736 fraudulent transactions identified globally

Categories: Compliance

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Since June, police and judicial services have identified 10,736 fraudulent transactions. It is one of the largest police operations against money laundering in the world


Spectacular results were detailed by the European criminal police agency Europol on Monday 4 December last year. The operation was led by the Netherlands and involves 25 other countries on several continents. Elle a été organized in collaboration with some 2,800 banking institutions, companies such as Western Union, Tripadvisor and IT companies, as well as Interpol and Eurojust, the judicial cooperation unit of the Twenty-Seven.

Some 4,600 investigations launched in Europe, the United States, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and Latin America identified 474 members of criminal groups who recruited more than ten thousand “financial mules”, people who transferred from money, in cash or digitally, in exchange for a commission. Some of the operations discovered consisted of money transfers from one country to another.

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