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Outlook 2024: Chambers of Commerce meet to prepare a “strategic action plan”

Categories: Economy/Forex

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In order to prepare for their activities during the year 2024, the secretaries general of seven regional chambers of commerce met on Monday in Dakar to draw up a “strategic action plan”.

On the initiative of the National Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Senegal (UNCCIAS), this meeting will serve to develop a “single procedure manual” for these entities and to harmonize their administrative management rules. “Since becoming the head of UNCCIAS, President Abdoulaye Sow has believed that the secretaries-general of the chambers of commerce should [develop] the policy defined by the presidents of the chambers. Above all, it will be up to us to put in place a strategic action plan 2023-2024,” explained Hamat Benoit Gaye, interim secretary general


The secretaries-general meeting will serve at the same time to prepare for the UNCCIAS office meeting scheduled for next January in Saint-Louis. The “strategic action plan” will be proposed to the presidents of the chambers of commerce that are members of UNCCIAS, in Saint-Louis, according to Hamat Benoit Gaye


Seven secretaries general of chambers of commerce attended the meeting. These are those of Louga, Saint-Louis (north), Kolda, Ziguinchor (south), Kaffrine (center), Tambacounda (east) and Dakar. Chambers of commerce from the other seven regions of the country were not represented due to the “split” of UNCCIAS, Mr. Gaye said

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