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Fraud: a trainee banker pumps over 10 million FCFA in seven days into a client's dormant account

Categories: Compliance

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51 virements ( more than ten million FCFA) fraudulent have été effectué s into a customer's dormant account in seven days. The trainee banker at the Banque de l'Habitat du Sénégal (BHS) at the agency located at Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop is accused in

this case.

In just seven days, the trainee banker allegedly made 51 fraudulent transfers. This is a sum of more than ten million FCFA fraudulently pumped from the dormant account of the BHS client. According to the information, the last banking transaction carried out by its legitimate owner dates back to February 23, 2017; A control exercise shows that transactions encrypted at 10. 498,000 FCFA were carried out on the victim's “Wave” account in the period from 22 to 29 June 2023. The BHS then filed a complaint with the 4th district police station against its employee who will be arrested before being sent to prison since February 1

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