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Financing Senegal's development plan: the United Nations system will mobilize “nearly 488 billion CFA francs”

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La coordinatrice résidente du United Nations system announced on Thursday in Dakar that the system will mobilize “nearly 488 billion CFA francs” to finance the S&T development plan. equal over the period 2024-2028


During the signing of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for Senegal (2024-2028), Aminata Maïga declared that “nearly 488 billion CFA francs will be mobilized to finance Senegal's development plan over the period 2024-2028”. According to the latter, the United Nations system is determined to work “to strengthen cooperation with the government and the people of Senegal, development partners, civil society in a spirit of partnership based on [the] common [commitment] to leave no one behind”.

According to Maïga, cooperation with the United Nations should “provide innovative solutions to the implementation of structural and sectoral institutional reforms aimed at accelerating the structural transformation of the economy”.

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