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Economy: Senegal raises $750 million on the international debt market

Categories: Economy/Forex

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Le Sénégal a réussi une levée de fonds de 750 millions $ sur le marché international de la dette, le quatrième sub-Saharan eurobond in 2024.

Senegal issued a eurobond maturing in 2031. The eurobond, issued in two installments ($500 million and $250 million), has an interest rate of 7.75% and a maturity of 7 years. For analysts, the success of this operation highlights a renewed confidence among investors in Senegal, after the pre-election disturbances that it experienced. As of this year, Senegal is preparing to become one of the main producers of oil and gas in sub-Saharan Africa, thanks to important discoveries made in the last decade in the hydrocarbon sector.

FMI This outlook should boost the country's growth, which is expected to reach 8.3% this year, according to the.
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