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Friendship and cooperation between Azerbaijan and Egypt: signing of bilateral agreements

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Un mémorandum d' accord sur l' amitié et la coopération a été signé entre les présidents azerbaïdjanais et égyptien Ilham Aliyev et Abdel-Fattah al- Sisi.

Le Plan d' action conjoint pour 2024-2025 entre l' Agence de promotion des exportations et des investissements de la République d' Azerbaïdjan ( azPromo ) et la Direction générale des investissements et des zones franches de la République arabe d' Égypte (GAFI ) was adopted during the talks in Cairo between the presidents of Azerbaijan and Egypt Ilham Aliyev and Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi. The Memorandum of Intent on cooperation between the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of the Arab Republic of Egypt was also signed.

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