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Misappropriation of public funds: Waly Diouf Bodian opens a judicial investigation

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The new Director General of the Autonomous Port of Dakar will have to be interested in a case of embezzlement concerning the construction of a building used as a head office, valued at more than 6 billion CFA francs.

The Dakar prosecutor's office has opened a judicial investigation into a disbursement of 6.490 billion CFA francs to the Autonomous Port of Dakar. In reality, an agreement had been concluded between the Port and a contractor for “the transfer under suspensive conditions of sentences and treatments built on land dependent on the port domain”, in front of Maître Tabara Diop, notary in Dakar, May 10, 2024. In return, the contractor was to receive from the Port an amount of 6,490,000,000 CFA francs, payable in two equal installments. To facilitate the completion of the building's work, the Port delivered a bank draft of 3,245,000,000 CFA francs to the contractor, who had undertaken to deliver the building within four months, i.e. no later than April 5, 2023. But, to date, the building has still not been delivered despite the Port's compliance with all its contractual obligations. These facts constitute an embezzlement of public funds.

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