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Nutrition project in Liberia: the African Development Fund grants $10 million

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In order to implement the activities and increase the impact of the Small Farm Development Project for Food and Nutrition Security in Liberia, the Board of Trustees of the African Development Fund approved a additional funding of ten million US dollars from the Global Programme for Agriculture and Food Security (GAFSP


Le projet of small-scale farm development aims to improve the added value, market access and incomes of smallholder farmers and to strengthen the capacities of government institutions, farmers and producer organizations. It also aims to improve food and nutrition security and reduce the poverty of targeted rural populations in Liberia by increasing agricultural production and the productivity of smallholder farmers (with an emphasis on food crops such as rice, cassava and vegetables). This project will also strengthen sustainable crop production and intensification by facilitating the production of mother seeds, staple seeds, and certified seeds for farmers who grow 7 000 hectares of land. It will support the creation é of added value and é will empower farmers and é â transformers in relation to Greek markets

à the establishment of six post-harvest facilities for the primary processing of cassava and rice, supported by four aggregation centers located near the processing centers.
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