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Fight against cybercrime: nearly 600 TikTok and Facebook accounts deleted in Benin

Categories: Compliance

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Dans le cadre d' une lutte plus efficace contre la cybercriminalité, le Centre National d' Investigation Numérique (CNIN) a deleted nearly 600 TikTok and Facebook accounts in Benin.

Fake marabouts have been created in Benin, promising the multiplication of money and the return of affection on social networks. These accounts are growing considerably, claiming many victims, both in Benin and abroad. These various accounts are involved in fraudulent activities. To remedy this, the National Center for Digital Investigation (CNIN) has deactivated nearly 170 Facebook accounts style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, "serif"> and 400 TikTok accounts. This action follows CNIN's efforts to fight against online scams and raise public awareness to remain vigilant against such practices

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