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Return on investments: NEI-CEDA shareholders receive their dividend

Categories: Economy/Forex

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Le mardi 25 juin dernier, la Société Nouvelles Éditions Ivoiriennes -Centre d'Editions et de Diffusion Africaine (NEI-CEDA) paid a global annual dividend of 1.043 billion FCFA to its shareholders at title for the 2023 financial year. The announcement was made by the managers of the Regional Stock Exchange (BRVM) where this company is listed.

The dividend paid for fiscal year 2023 corresponds to a net dividend per share of 81.78 FCFA compared to 35.25 FCFA in 2022. At the end of the 2023 financial year, the net profit of this company had fallen by 45 million FCFA with a balance of 1.167 billion FCFA against 1.212 billion FCFA in 2022. Turnover was also down from 463 million FCFA to 8.525 billion FCFA. In addition, there was a very strong increase of 2.535 billion in the company's other products, with a level of 2.840 billion CFA francs. For its part, added value remained almost stable, standing at 2.352 billion FCFA compared to 2.318 billion FCFA

in 2022.
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