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Debt restructuring: the Ghanaian government has signed an agreement with creditor holders

Categories: Economy/Forex

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In order to restructure its external debt estimated at 13 billion dollars, the Ghanaian government has signed an agreement in principle with creditor holders.

The Ghana agreement will resolve “Ghana's default on eurobonds in a way that will provide significant relief in cash flow and debt stock to support the country's economic recovery”, according to the committee. holders of Eurobonds from Ghana. The agreement foresees a cash flow mitigation of around $4.4 billion during the period of Ghana's financial support program with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which is expected to end in 2026.

According to the information, at the end of the agreement, bondholders will forfeit $4.7 billion in their claims. This will result in an effective “nominal discount” of 37%, i.e. an increase compared to the initial offer of 33%

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