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Geothermal energy project in Kenya: ATIDI grants its support through RLSF

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The Agency for Trade and Investment Development in Africa (ATIDI) and Globeleq Africa Limited, announced ATIDI's support for the Globeleq Menengai geothermal energy project, with a capacity of 35 MW, through coverage of liquidity from the Regional Liquidity Support Facility (RLSF


Le projet Globeleq geothermal energy system is the first considered for coverage by the RLSF in Kenya. It should benefit from ATIDI's liquidity instrument, which will cover the risk of default by public entities, in this case GDC and KPLC. The RLSF, a joint initiative of ATIDI, the KfW Development Bank and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), is a credit enhancement instrument available to independent renewable energy producers who sell the electricity generated by their projects to public electricity companies. This project is estimated at 116.2 million USD, with funding from the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Development Bank for Eastern and Southern Africa (TDB), the Finnish Fund for Industrial Cooperation (Finnfund) and the equity of the project owners, Globeleq

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