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TXF GLOBAL 2024 Conference: AfDB receives the Development Financial Institution of the Year award

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At the TXF GLOBAL 2024 Export, Project and Development Finance Conference, the African Development Bank (BAD) received the prestigious award for Development Finance Institution of the Year.

The ADB was recognized for being at the forefront of innovation among multilateral development banks. Indeed, it was rewarded in particular for its first hybrid capital issue carried out in January 2024. The issuance of perpetual subordinated hybrid capital of $750 million at 10.5 years not only established a promising benchmark, but also signalled what could be the first of a new asset class of hybrid offerings from multilateral development banks, in line with the recommendations of the G20 Capital Adequacy Frameworks Review. At the award ceremony, the Vice President of the African Development Bank style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, "serif" "> in charge of Finance and Chief Financial Officer, Hassatou N'Sele, said that & She was delighted with this recognition. la Banque est tr s d According to him, è sireuse de continuer explorer les innovations financi Àè res pour renforcer sa capacit é à fulfill its mandate of d é é development, especially in the context of the white challenge é by the G20 to multilateral development banks to be bigger, better and bolder

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