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International Africa Development Forum: the 7th edition based on the importance of investment

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The seventh edition of the International Africa Development Forum (FIAD) opened on Thursday, June 27, 2024 in Casablanca, Morocco. The aim is to encourage investments in development sectors to improve the business climate in Africa.

Basée sur le thème: “Ici, on investit”, la septième édition du FIAD est organisée par le groupe Attijariwafa Bank through its Africa Development Club. The meeting, which ends today, aims to create a framework conducive to networking between public and private sector companies in order to encourage investments in development sectors to improve the business climate in Africa. The Chairman and CEO of the Attijariwafa Bank Group, Mohammed El Kettani, highlighted several crucial challenges for Africa's development. These include creating jobs for young people, investing in education, vocational training, entrepreneurship, and inclusion. He emphasized the need to mobilize resources and efforts to address these fundamental challenges in order to stimulate inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

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