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Financial inclusion in the UEMOA area: several points addressed during a national consultation workshop

Categories: Economy/Forex

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Tenu in Cotonou on July 3 and 4, 2024, the national consultation workshop aims to gather the ideas and expectations of actors involved in financial inclusion initiatives. It was organized by the National Directorate of the BCEAO in Benin as part of the revision of the regional financial inclusion strategy in UEMOA


During the two days, participants in this national consultation workshop examined the progress made in financial inclusion in the WAEMU examined the progress made in financial inclusion in the WAEMU and examined the progress made in financial inclusion. era at the level of Benin, discussed the challenges encountered when implementing actions in favor of financial inclusion, identified national priorities in terms of the financial inclusion of populations. They also analyzed the modalities for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of future initiatives to facilitate access and use of financial services by the populations of Benin.

Cet atelier est organisé aussi dans tous les pays de l' UEMOA et dans les prochains jours, la concertation régionale pour la validation des travaux des pays membres aura lieu au Sénégal à Dakar au siège de

la BCEAO .
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