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Promotion of sustainable ecosystems in West Africa: CEBIO-Eco/AO activities officially launched in Dakar

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The activities of the Center of Excellence for Biodiversity and Ecosystems in West Africa (CEBIO-Eco/AO) were officially launched last Friday, July 12 in Dakar by the Minister of the Environment and Ecological Transition, Daouda Ngom.

The main objective of CEBIO-Eco/AO's activities is to sustainably promote ecosystems while contributing to the well-being of populations. According to the Minister of the Environment and Ecological Transition, “the main objective of this Center of Excellence project is to contribute to the sustainable management of ecosystems in West Africa but also to the well-being of local communities”. According to him, “this center is of very great importance” since we “are increasingly noticing an unprecedented erosion of biodiversity, an erosion that is often due to the fragmentation of habitats and the deforestation of forests”. This Center of Excellence project brings together the 15 ECOWAS countries and Mauritania on EU funding for an amount of 8 million euros ( F CFA) including 5 million euros (3.278.761.047 F. CFA) for the implementation and 3 million euros (1.967.256.628 F CFA) for the coordination of the three centers of excellence on biodiversity which are located in West Africa in Central and Southern Africa

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