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Financing climate and disaster risks: workshop to open on Tuesday

Categories: Sectors

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On Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24 of this month of July 2024, a workshop on climate and disaster risk financing (Frc) is being held in Dakar. This working session is the result of collaboration between the State of Senegal through the Ministry of Finance and Budget, Banque mondiale the and the Global Shield Secretariat.

The workshop that ends tomorrow aims to share with the national stakeholders involved the ongoing work in Senegal as well as the next steps for Climate and Disaster Risk Financing (Frc). Specifically, its two days of exchanges aim to present the conclusions of the diagnosis on the financing of climate and disaster risks in Senegal developed by the Banque mondiale ; to begin discussions for the development of a National Strategy in order to strengthen the country's financial resilience to disasters; and launch the country's National Process under the Global Shield initiative.

Ce jour, la Banque mondiale Introduce the conclusions of the diagnosis on the financing of climate and disaster risks. According to a statement, “this analysis aims to help decision-makers better understand the financial, economic and budgetary impacts associated with disasters, as well as strategic options to strengthen the country's financial resilience. The World Bank will also present future work on the development of a National Frc Strategy, in order to improve the protection of the State, households, businesses, and farmers in the face of shocks.”

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