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Senegal/Gambia cooperation: towards raising trade levels

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Le vendredi 19 juillet dernier, le Senegalese Minister of Industry and Commerce, Serigne Guèye Diop, and his Gambian counterpart, Baboucar Ousmaila Joof, have expressed their desire to raise the level of trade exchanges between their two countries.

Le Senegalese Minister of Industry and Commerce said that the growing volume of trade between Senegal and the Gambia certainly reflects the vitality of cooperation. commercial. However, it is necessary to recognize that this commercial potential is still largely underexploited. Serigne Guèye Diop said that they will have to “make every effort to consequently raise the level of exchanges between Senegal and the


According to the Gambian Minister of Commerce, “the second session of the Joint Trade Cooperation Committee is in charge of cooperation in such strategic areas as trade facilitation, the free movement of people and goods, the implementation of dried goods. ma of trade liberalization under ECOWAS (SLEC), the elimination of barriers to trade, customs cooperation and transit

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