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Regulation of inflation: a new range of coins by the end of the year

Categories: Economy/Forex

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Le Last July 19, the governor of the Bank of the Banks of Central African States (BEAC), Yvon Sana Bangui, assured Brazzaville, the President of the National Assembly, Isidore Mvouba, of the Expectation by the end of the year, of a new range of coins, in order to regulate inflation


The governor of the Central Bank gave the President of the National Assembly the full assurance of his institution to work closely with the Congolese authorities to meet the challenges facing the Congo and the subregion. It was during their exchange on the economic situation at the national and subregional levels. After leaving the hearing, Isidore Mvouba, President of the National Assembly, declared: “I told him that there is a project currently in progress. By the end of the year, I will be back to present the authorities with the new range of coins. Starting in 2025, we will massively inject coins into the economy, in order to regulate inflation, which has been on a downward trend since the beginning of the year. We must continue to carry out reforms; that is what we are doing in terms of monetary policy, in particular by tightening this strategy. We hope that eventually the coins will be available and also that inflation will be contained.”

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