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Currency: increase in the value of the CFA franc in the UEMOA zone

Categories: Economy/Forex

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La valeur du FCFA increased in zone UEMOA par rapport à celle des cinq autres monnaies de la CEDEAO, compared to the first half of 2023. However, it has experienced episodes of depreciation, particularly in the face of the naira

on a monthly basis.

The CFA franc strengthened by 114.1% against other West African currencies in the first six months of this year compared to the same period in 2023. la Banque centrale des Etats de l' Afrique de l' Ouest (BCEAO), la monnaie commune aux huit pays de l' Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine (According to data published by UEMOA ) performed particularly well against the currencies of Nigeria and Ghana, which are the first and third largest ECOWAS economies in terms of GDP, respectively. The FCFA thus recorded an average increase of 221.8% against the naira year-on-year, while against the CEDI, this increase was 20.8%. It should be noted that this performance is part of a context where the Nigerian and Ghanaian economies, which are the largest in ECOWAS along with that of Côte d'Ivoire, have been going through a crisis for several years


Par ailleurs, les The first six months of 2024 were also marked by episodes of depreciation of the FCFA, particularly against the naira, on a monthly basis. For this purpose, the currency UEMOA had lost 3.8% of its value compared to December 2023 against the Nigerian currency in January 2024. In April 2024, this depreciation was 19.1% compared to March 2024, while the most populous country in Africa is in the midst of economic and

monetary reform.
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