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Fight against corrupt practices: a dozen judges equipped

Categories: Compliance

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From Thursday 29 to Saturday 31 August 2024, an immersion workshop on ethical values was held for a dozen magistrates and other judicial officials in Mbandaka, capital of Ecuador, (north-west of the Democratic Republic of Congo). The fight against corrupt practices was debated during

the exchanges.

The three-day immersion workshop held last week aims, according to Taylor Lompoko Mpela, provincial director of the Observatory for Oversight of Corruption and Professional Ethics (OSCEP), “to encourage the immersion in ethical values and to strengthen the capacities of a dozen magistrates, in order to support the efforts of the Head of State and Supreme Magistrate who spares no effort to fight corruption and its misdeeds in professional social environments.” The theme at the center of the discussions was “corruptives and similar acts”. The workshop was certainly a framework for exchange and sharing, a session likely to raise awareness and equip these magistrates and other justice officials on the various strategies to be implemented to put an end to this shameful phenomenon in order to involve them in the topic of corruption and similar offenses, to raise their commitment through better awareness for a change in behavior.

According to the provincial director of OSCEP, since the DRC has ratified the law on the fight against corruption, several strategic axes such as prevention, detection and repression must be popularized by magistrates and registrars for obvious reasons.

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