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African methanol plant: establishment of a development mechanism in Nigeria

Categories: Sectors

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The Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) is launching to set up a project development mechanism to support Africa's largest natural gas into methanol plant in Nigeria.

Methanol is one of the most important basic chemicals and on the long list of its potential uses. It is exploited as a potential fuel with low emissions. L' AFC, one of the main providers of infrastructure solutions on the continent, intends, through its project, to significantly reduce CO2 emissions by compensating for the burning of natural gas and transforming it into a valuable chemical product for solvents, paints, plastics, car spare parts and soon even transport. To this end, the project to initially produce 1.8 million tons of methanol per year, to diversify the local economy and to create more than 18 000 jobs. ' The institution ' is committed é e à finance the phase of d é development in order to reduce é risks and enable it to ' reach the stage of financial closing and has provided financial advisory services to developers so that they obtain the necessary financing.

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