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Fight against cybercrime: L'Antic aims to strengthen the security of the Cameroonian cyber space

Categories: Compliance

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The National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies (Antic) organized the 9th awareness-raising seminar that targeted magistrates of the Northern Court of Appeal and judicial police officers.

Cybersecurity and the repression of cybercrime were the subject of a seminar that allowed the National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies to equip magistrates and judicial police officers with strategies and practices to strengthen the security of Cameroon's cyber space. Magistrates of the Northern Court of Appeal and judicial police officers participate in the search for evidence of cybercriminal acts and in the punishment of offenses against the law of December 21, 2010 against cybercrime in Cameroon. According to Bouba Djama'a, the managing director of L'Antic, who recognizes the seriousness of the phenomenon and the need to strengthen the means of fight, cybercriminals use three categories of operating methods to reach their targets on the web. Scamming, a form of scam that represents around 52% of cybercrime cases and is responsible for the loss of around 1.1 billion CFA francs in 2023. Phishing, a form of attack that is on the rise due to the development of the banking sector, represents 31.21% of cybercrime cases. In the same year, nearly 240 cases of identity theft were registered, causing victims to lose around 22 million CFA francs

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