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FATF: Senegal in the final stage of the process of leaving the grey list

Categories: Compliance

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At the start of the work of the 8th edition of the AfreximBank compliance forum held last week in Dakar,

the technical advisor at the Ministry of Finance and Budget, Mamadou Ndiaye, reiterated Senegal's political will to be in compliance with the legal framework relating to the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Le conseiller technique au ministère des Finances et du Budget a annoncé que le Sénégal est désormais entré dans la dernière étape du processus de sortie de la liste grise du GAFI in light of these remarkable developments. He thus reassures that the country remains more determined than ever to remedy the shortcomings of its regulatory framework and intends to remain a reference in terms of stability, compliance and financial transparency in Africa. Also, Mamadou Ndiaye indicated that “Senegal aims to work for the harmonization of regulations between African countries, thus facilitating trade and reducing administrative and technical barriers

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