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Fight against money laundering: the BCEAO welcomes Senegal's “very strong measures”

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On Wednesday, September 11 in Dakar, the governor of the Central Bank of the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) welcomed the “very strong, demanding and firm measures” taken by the Senegalese authorities to fight against money laundering.

The governor of the BCEAO, Jean-Claude Kassi Brou held a press briefing at the end of the third ordinary annual meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank of the Central Bank of the eight WAEMU countries. On the occasion he said that he “would like to congratulate Senegal”. According to him, the authorities [...] have taken very strong, demanding and firm measures in the fight against the injection of criminal funds into the economic and financial circuit.” For Kassi Brou, one of the key measures was the new law against money laundering and the fight against the financing of terrorism


En effet, l On February 2, Senegal transposed into its domestic legislation, Directive 01/2023/CM/UEMOA relating to the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism and the financing of terrorism and proliferation into its domestic legislation. Eradication of weapons of mass destruction (LBC/FT/FP) in the member states of the UEMOA zone. et constitue un pas important afin que le Sénégal sorte de la “At the moment, law 2024-08 was passed, a new law that rectifies the deficiencies of the previous one with respect to the recommendations of the GAFIlist Grise.

from the FATF.

In reality, Senegal passed law 2004-09 on the fight against money laundering in 2004, which is a transposition of Directive No. 07/2002/CM/UEMOA in 2004, which is a transposition of Directive No. 07/2002/CM/UEMOA. This law was supplemented by the law of 2009-16 on the fight against the financing of terrorism, resulting from Directive No. 04/2007/CM/UEMOA. Nine years later, in 2018, Senegal transposed Directive No. 02/2015/CM/UEMOA into its legislative arsenal by voting on Law 2018-03 on the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism. The previous AML/CFT legislation had significant deficiencies in relation to FATF standards and caused the laws of countries in the UEMOA zone not to be in line with current international best practices, in particular the 40 FATF recommendations. The new AML/FT/FP legislation has

corrected this anomaly.
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