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18th Annual ACA Conference and Exhibition: the current event in Cotonou

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The 18th Annual Conference and Exhibition of the African Cashew Alliance (ACA) opened on Tuesday, September 17 in Cotonou, Benin, a third to be held in this country.

Depuis hier, 400 key players of the African cashew value chain discuss around B tir les capacit From the âé theme s pour une industrie du cajou africain durable . This event will highlight the challenges and opportunities that are shaping the future of this rapidly changing sector. Selon Babatola Faseru, président de l' ACA, cette nouvelle dition s 'E' inscrit dans un contexte o Where the country has distinguished itself for 5 years by a policy committed to improving the business environment and transformation. During the conference, which will end on Friday 20 September, a dozen papers are planned in the form of information sessions, workshops and panels around various themes such as production, marketing, processing, the involvement of women, the involvement of women, and compliance with the requirements of export markets such as the European Union (EU). Expected participants at the conference will also have the opportunity to visit the exhibition stands of companies from the sub-region and the rest of the world, active in the sector


A en croire Faseru, “le Bénin a fait des efforts importants dans la transformation en mettant en œ style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, "serif">is implementing a bold transformation policy that is an example in the subregion é Gion à L ' Image of the ô Coast ' Ivory. All of these efforts are à aimed at creating a competitive industry. It's not just rhetoric

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