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Debt: Sbee consumes more than 29 billion CFA francs between 2018 and 2024

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The Beninese Electric Energy Company (Sbee) consumed a bank loan of more than 29 billion FCFA from 2018 to the end of June 2024.

Sbee consumed according to the Statistical Bulletin of Public Debt, 2nd quarter 2024, 14.682 billion in 2018; 1.047 billion in 2019; zero billion in 2019; zero billion in 2020; zero billion in 2020; 7.528 billion in 2020; 7.528 billion in 2021; 7.528 billion in 2021; 4.315 billion; 0.889 billion in 2022 and 0.667 billion CFA francs between January and June 2024. Sbee thus presents itself as a public company consuming bank loans. Indeed, out of a total of more than FCFA 1,314.86 billion in loans made available to public companies between 2018 and June 2024, the company only borrowed 29.13 billion FCFA. According to the report of the Council of Ministers, “for several years, SBEE has been facing structural difficulties with harmful consequences on its cash flow. As a result, the company is unable to honor its financial commitments to its partners, which are the Benin Electric Community (Ceb) and other suppliers.”

The Council of Ministers announces that in the search for a lasting solution to this situation which affects its performance, the company has requested the Government's authorization to carry out a bank loan of 27 billion FCFA from Eco-Bank Benin. According to the press release, “this sum will be used for the total settlement of SBEE's debts to the Benin Electric Community (Ceb), for an amount of 16 billion FCFA, for the full payment of Sbee's debts to its other suppliers, for an amount of 11 billion FCFA

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