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Domestic debt: Senegal will repay 8125 billion FCFA

Categories: Economy/Forex

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Senegal will repay borrowed capital and interest payments totalling 8125 billion CFA francs, or 13.65 billion dollars between 2025 and 2027, for debt service.

The repayments of this debt will reach 1316 billion FCFA in 2025 and 1858 billion FCFA in 2026 and finally 1598 billion FCFA in 2027. Debt service is divided between external debt and domestic debt. External debt, which represents 59% of the total outstanding amount, or 4772 billion CFA francs, is mainly held by multilateral creditors (Banque mondiale IMF, etc.), Eurobond holders and bilateral creditors (other countries). Domestic debt of around FCFA 3,352 billion, for its part, is mainly held by local investors in the form of Treasury bills and bonds. The borrowing costs (interest and principal) that the Senegalese State must bear are expected to bear at 1,119 billion FCFA in 2025, 1421 billion FCFA in 2026 and 812 billion FCFA in 2027


Compared to 2024, debt service will increase significantly by 112% in 2026, mainly due to the repayment of public securities in the amount of 996 billion CFA francs.

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