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Information security: MUGEFCI obtains double certification

Categories: Compliance

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Le président du Conseil d' administration de la Mutuelle Générale des Officials et Agents de l'État (MUGEFCI), Gnogbo Paul announced last Wednesday that the obtaining the double certification of MUGEFCI, in accordance with the international standards ISO 9001:2015 relating to quality and ISO 27001:2022, relating to information security


During the certification ceremony, the Chairman of the MUGEFCI Board of Directors congratulated its Executive Director and all the teams of the MUGEFCI . According to him, the staff at the head office and the representations who; since the development of their vision have been committed to working to serve us the result. According to Gnogbo Paulces, two certificates were obtained from the first audit. According to him, the process of obtaining these two certificates covered both aspects of governance as well as jobs and support areas. The president also said that “these two certificates obtained are the result of general mobilization and strong support that reflect the company's permanent culture and that are a credit to all MUGEF-CI agents


For his part, the Executive Director of MUGEFCI, Traoré Brahima said that obtaining this double certification represents a major step for this fifty-year-old social mutual insurance company and reflects the desire for continuous improvement of this system of management in order to meet the requirements of all interested parties, ensuring the protection of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of our information assets.

In addition, it should be noted that Gnogbo Paulces highlighted his actions at the head of this mutual insurance company. These include the digital transformation of MUGEF-CI through the MUGEF-CI SANTE project, which has ensured a significant improvement in access to benefits among medical partners; the consolidation of relationships with the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM) to facilitate access to Universal Health Coverage (CNAM) benefits to mutual insurance companies (CMU) to facilitate access to universal health coverage (CMU) benefits for mutual insurance companies and their beneficiaries using electronic vouchers; the enrichment of the List of M Reimbursable drugs (LMRs) which allowed mutual insurance companies and their dependants to access a wide range of quality and low-cost drugs, thus helping to control the average cost

of prescriptions.

MUGEFCI has also signed a partnership agreement with the National Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Renal Insufficiency (CNPTIR) in order to benefit from subsidized pricing and better care for civil servants suffering from kidney failure throughout the country; the reconciliation of the mutual insurance company of mutualists through the opening of representations, in particular in Sassandra. The acquisition of full ownership of the Soubré representations; Yamoussoukro and Daloa. And also to the realization of a free health check campaign in favor of 11,697 mutual insurance companies, which allowed the detection of certain metabolic diseases, the first steps to carry out medical prevention and medical follow-up actions for

people who tested positive.
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