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Standard & Poor's: the agency affirms the credit rating to “B” and a positive outlook in Togo

Categories: Economy/Forex

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Standard & Poor's credit rating agency has affirmed Togo's credit rating to “B”. The rating perspective takes the country from rating “Stable” to “Positive.”

The Agency notes that Togo's good results have been possible thanks to the strategic assets that the country has and in which the government and the private sector are increasingly investing. The Agency thus highlights Togo's position as an important transport hub in the region, which plays an essential role between Asia and landlocked countries.Standard & Poor's style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, "serif"> highlights the resilience of the Togolese economy and real growth that exceeded its initial forecasts (6.4% in 2023, above S&P's initial forecast of 6.0%), in particular thanks to the dynamism of the tertiary sector. She states that the execution of the Government Roadmap remains an essential anchor for the economy, which will allow the growth dynamic to remain robust over the medium term, with an average annual growth rate expected to reach 6.0% in real terms until 2027

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