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Post-Covid recovery: India's foreign minister calls for a reimagining of diplomacy

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Although every society has faced the Covid-19 crisis in unique ways, Dr. S. Jaishankar, Minister of Foreign Affairs of India and the author of "The India Way": Strategies for an Uncertain World" believes that global diplomacy needs to reinvent itself in order to focus on common concerns. and shared lessons.

Pandemics, climate change and terrorism must be at the heart of diplomatic deliberations. Despite its many advantages, the world has also experienced strong reactions to globalization. According to the author, a large part of these reactions is due to the inequality of benefits, between and within societies.
Jaishankar's outlook states that additional growth engines are needed to avert the risks facing the global economy, as well as greater transparency and market viability. Developing a robust response to the COVID-19 challenge is expected to dominate global diplomacy in 2021. In its own way, India has established itself as the pharmacy of the world, supplying medicines to more than 150 countries, many of them in the form of subsidies.

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