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Financial market: Mali raises 25 billion FCFA

Categories: Index/Markets

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Through the National Directorate of Treasury and Public Accounting, Mali raised, on October 13, 2021, 25 billion FCFA in recovery bonds.

Mali has cashed in the financial market of the West African Monetary Union (WAMU) an amount of 25 billion FCFA at the end of its issue of recovery bonds (ODR) of the treasury with a maturity of 3 years. After the auction, 70.406 billion FCFA of overall bids from investors were identified by UMOA-Titres out of an amount auctioned by the issuer of 25 billion FCFA. This gives a coverage rate of the amount auctioned of 281.62%. Of the amount of the bids, the Malian Public Treasury withheld 25 billion FCFA and rejected the remaining 45.406 billion FCFA, ie an absorption rate of 35.51%. Reimbursement of the capital of the securities issued will take place on the first business day following the maturity date set at October 14, 2024. It should be noted that the issuances of ODRs aim to enable the issuer to mobilize the savings of natural and legal persons with a view to ensure coverage of the financing needs of the State of Mali's budget as part of its economic recovery plans in order to contain the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and restore performance prior to the health crisis.

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