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Construction of two refrigerated logistics warehouses: Dfc signs two agreements with Morocco and Senegal

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To build two cold logistics warehouses in Morocco and Senegal, it is with this aim that the American International Development Finance Corporation (Dfc) recently concluded two loan agreements.

Les accords signés par la Dfc ont été annoncés lors des Assemblées annuelles de la World Bank and from the IMF, held in Marrakech on October 10, 2023. These agreements plan to continuously support trade infrastructures that will allow inter-African trade and trade in the agricultural and pharmaceutical sectors. According to a press release, “under the terms of the US Dfc loan agreements, two new cold chain facilities will be built in Senegal and Morocco as part of an integrated cold chain network connecting West Africa, North Africa, and American trade. The United States DFC has loaned 10.5 million dollars (more than 6 billion FCFA) for the construction of a $20 million cold store, with a capacity of 10,000 pallets, in Diamnadio (Dakar region). A second unit with a capacity of 10,000 pallets is also under construction in the Agadir region of Morocco thanks to an American Dfc loan of 9.3 million dollars (more than 5 billion FCFA

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