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UEMAO zone: increase in inflation in the first quarter of 2024

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A premier trimestre de l' année 2024, le taux d' inflation dans la zone de The West African Economic and Monetary Union ( UEMOA) was 2.8% against 2.3% a

quarter earlier.

At the opening of the 2nd ordinary session of the Council of the year 2024 held in Ouagadougou, the President of the UEMOA Council of Ministers, Adama Coulibaly indicated that this level of inflation is mainly due to the increase in the pace of increase in food prices following the poor performance of the cereal production achieved during the 2023/2024 agricultural year in the Union. According to him, economic activity in the union remained dynamic in the first quarter of 2024, with an increase of 5.1% in real GDP, after an increase of 4.8% recorded the

previous quarter.
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