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Regional cooperation: The Gambia successfully pays all of the ECOWAS community tax

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At a side event to the ECOWAS ministerial meeting held in Abuja last week, the Gambian Minister of Economy and Finance, Seedy Keita revealed that the Gambia has successfully settled all of its ECOWAS community levy, as part of an important step for regional cooperation


The full payment of the ECOWAS community levy, from the Gambia, makes the country one of the few countries in the organization that is debt-free in terms of direct debit payments. This payment represents a commitment to solidarity and financial responsibility within the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The Gambia's compliance with its financial obligations underscores its willingness to support ECOWAS initiatives aimed at fostering economic development, political stability and regional integration in West Africa. By respecting its financial commitments, the Gambia is not only strengthening its partnership with other Member States, but also consolidating its position within the ECOWAS community

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