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Industrial production excluding cotton ginning in Senegal: an improvement of 5.3% recorded in May 2024

Categories: Raw materials Sectors

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The National Agency for Statistics and Demography (Ansd) releases information according to which, industrial production excluding cotton ginning improved by 5.3% in May 2024, compared to that of the same period in 2023.

L' Ansd said that the evolution of industrial production excluding cotton ginning is due to the performance noted in industrial production. environmental (+7.7%), electricity, gas and water (+6.9%), manufacturing (+5.4%) and extractive industries (+4.1%), over the period under review. The cotton ginning activity was marked by an absence of production in May 2024, in connection with the cotton production cycle


From January to May 2024, industrial production increased by 3.8%, compared to the corresponding period of 2023, in connection with the increase in that of extractive industries (+12.1%), environmental (+12.1%), environmental (+9.3%), environmental (+9.3%), and manufacturing industries (+0.4%). According to the agency giving the information, the production of environmental industries grew by 7.7% in May 2024 compared to the same month of 2023. This trend is linked to the good performance of wastewater and sludge collection (+136.0%) and waste treatment and disposal (+7.6) activities over the period under review. In May 2024, manufacturing production grew by 5.4%, compared to that of the same period in 2023. This increase is mainly due to the increase in the manufacturing activity of agri-food products (+11.8%) and mineral materials (+7.5%) over

the period under review.
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