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African Solidarity Fund in the Republic of Congo: official launch of operationalization activities

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Une source officielle congolaise a annoncé que les activités de l' opérationnalisation du African solidarity funds were launched on Thursday in Brazzaville in the Republic of Congo.

The Congolese Minister of Economy and Finance, Jean-Baptiste Ondaye declared that “the launch of the operationalization of the African Solidarity Fund (FSA) in the Republic of Congo contributes (...) to the substantial and adequate mobilization of financing in favor of African economies and that of the country, in particular.” The African Solidarity Fund (FSA) concluded a total of seven partnership agreements with some local banks and employers' organizations during the meeting marking the official launch of FSA activities in Congo


The first set of agreements was concluded with four banking institutions, namely the Banque congolaise de l'habitat, the BGFI Bank and the Banque Postale du Congo. BSCA Bank was not represented. The second part was signed with employers' organizations, in particular the National Union of Economic Operators of Congo, the Congress of Business Managers of Congo as well as the Chambers of Commerce of Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire

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