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2024 Mid-annual Statutory Meetings of the ZMAO: Guinea will host activities from next 9th

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The 2024 Mid-Year Statutory Meetings of the West African Monetary Zone (WAMO) will be held from September 09 to 13, 2024 in Guinea in Conakry. This event will bring together Ministers in charge of Economy and Finance, African Integration and Trade, African Integration and Trade, Central Bank Governors, Experts and Senior Executives from The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea, Guinea, Guinea, Liberia, Liberia, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone


Les Réunions Statutaires de la Zone Monétaire de l' Afrique de l' Ouest (ZMAO) à Conakry visent à d' examiner les questions en lien avec la convergence macro-économique des pays membres, l' intégration commerciale, la coopération monétaire, la stabilité des financial sectors, payment systems and the exchange rate. The event contributes to the repositioning of Guinea in the era of Refoundation and Institutional Rectification initiated by the High Authorities of the country. To this end, the Minister of Economy and Finance and the Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Guinea style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, "serif">, rely on the legendary hospitality of the people. Guinean for the success of this event

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