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Business partnership: the managers of Togolese SMEs equipped

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From Monday 3 to Tuesday 4 September 2024, a training workshop was held organized by the Togolese Ministry of Commerce, Crafts and Local Consumption to strengthen the business partnership skills of the leaders of Très Petites, Petites and Togolese Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)


The training, which took place over two days, aims to equip business leaders with the tools they need to establish successful collaborations and develop their businesses. Participants took modules on techniques for researching and negotiating partnerships, the development of contracts, the legal status of businesses, and the search for opportunities. This initiative is part of the 2020-2025 government roadmap, which gives central importance to the development of SMEs. According to Comlan Nomadoli YAKPEY, Secretary General of the Ministry of Commerce, this training therefore aims to equip TPME managers not only with tools and methods to identify and build beneficial partnerships, but also to improve their skills in negotiation, communication and management of professional relationships. For him, “partnerships are a strategic alliance that, when well managed, can bring mutual benefits and propel businesses to new heights

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