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Conference of public administrators and managers: towards the modernization of the Senegalese administration

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This Monday, the President of the Republic of Senegal launched the first edition of the Conference of Public Administrators and Managers (CAMP). The event aims to initiate strategic reforms to modernise the country's administration.

This strategic meeting is part of the “National Transformation Agenda: Senegal Vision 2050", introduced nine months after the new authorities took office, with the ambition to transform the administrative apparatus of the second largest economy of the UEMOA.

The main objective of this first edition is to remind participants of the fundamentals of public governance, the conduct and control of public action.

The conference also highlights the importance of good governance and the control of public action, with interventions from various regulatory and audit institutions. The topics covered are among others the finance law for the year 2025, the organization and functioning of administrations, as well as digital transformation in the public sector will be in the spotlight.

During his opening speech, the president detailed a reform plan to improve the efficiency of the administration and streamline public spending. He also announced the upcoming creation of a “national agency for the centralization of public procurement”, a measure that aims to optimize budget margins and to establish virtuous management of public finances


The president also spoke of the need to further professionalize the management of public enterprises, calling on them to become engines of prosperity rather than budgetary burdens. He reiterated his commitment to establishing a system for calling for applications for strategic positions, a process that had already begun in some institutions

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