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Justice: 07 years in prison imposed against two HAAC executives

Categories: Compliance

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On Monday, June 10, the Court for the Suppression of Economic Offences and Terrorism (CRIET) delivered its verdict on the case involving two HAAC executives.

For questions of abuse of office, the former administrative and financial director (DAF) and the assistant to the Person in charge of public procurement (PRMP) of the Haute Autorité de l'Audiovisual et de la Communication (HAAC) are being prosecuted. In custody since November 2023, these officials of the media regulatory institution in Benin will return to prison to serve their sentences of 7 years in prison. According to the Court's decision, they must pay 28 million FCFA in fine and 10 million FCFA for all causes of harm combined. Before making his decision, the judge reclassified the facts as abuse of office in money laundering

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