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Fight against corruption: 30 agents and managers of the provincial justice division trained in the DRC

Categories: Compliance

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Il a été annoncé mardi dernier un atelier de renforcement de capacités sur la lutte contre la corruption de 30 agents and managers of the Provincial Justice Division in Mbandaka, Equateur Province, in the north-west of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Taylor Lompoko, provincial director of the Observatory for Monitoring Corruption and Professional Ethics (Oscep), said that the objective of the workshop “is to improve participants' knowledge of corrupt practices, to make them aware of the challenges of fighting corruption in the justice sector by strengthening their capacity” eacute; s on the principles of ethics and deontology of actors employed in the justice sector in order to popularize the achievements of the workshops through media coverage”. For him, this workshop is organized “in order to strengthen the knowledge of staff working in the Justice Division about their roles, missions and powers in order to fight corruption and corrupt practices that plague this sector”

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